
Surgical Procedures


At Companion Pet Clinic we understand that surgery can be an anxious and stressful time for both you and your pet. It is for this reason that we ensure your pet’s surgery is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. To that end, we provide our clients with a clear understanding of why a particular procedure is necessary, what the surgery entails and proper post-operative care.

Anesthesia is an integral part in surgery and is individualized based on certain factors like (cardiovascular, pulmonary, liver, and kidney health) and pre-existing disease. It is for this reason that pre-operative blood work, is strongly recommended in addition to an IV catheter and intra-operative fluids.

All patients are monitored with a system that evaluates the pet’s arterial oxygen level, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and core body temperature.


Surgeries include:

Ovariohysterectomy (Spay)

Castration (neuter), inguinal and abdominal cryptorchid

Tail docking and dew claw removal (In puppies less than 5 days old)

Temporary tarsorraphy for corneal ulceration

Prolapsed third eyelid replacement “cherry eye”

Eyelid mass removal

Rhinoplasty – opening narrow nasal passages

Removal of gingival and oral masses

Teeth extractions

Ear hematoma correction

General mass removal

Inguinal, umbilical hernia

Gastrointestinal surgery: (On referral basis)

– GI foreign body, obstruction

– gastrointestinal volvulus (GDV)

– gastropexy

– splenectomy (removal of spleen)

– nephrectomy (removal of kidney)

– Intestinal and organ biopsies

Cystotomy (bladder stone removal)

Anal gland impaction, anal sac removal

Orthopedic surgery (On referral basis)

– General fracture repair

– Anterior cruciate rupture repair

– Medial Patella luxation correction

– Femoral head ostectomy


Note: We are not board certified surgeons or specialists.